CBEL Project: Vancouver Street Furniture

The Vancouver Bin Optimization project is another step to reaching the Vancouver Greenest City 2020 Action Plan.

CBEL Project: RayCam Urban Gardens

Ray Cam Community Centre staff, kids and CIVL 202 students create fun and instructive ways of growing food in confined spaces.

CBEL Project: Seismic Risk Assessment

As part of a UBC team led by Dr. Ken Elwood and M.A.Sc. student Brandon Paxton, CBEL students work with the Victoria Civic Heritage Trust to inventory seismic risk in Victoria, B.C..

CBEL Project: Cityreach Daycare

Kids at the Cityreach daycare have a new wardrobe, and this CIVL 202 CBEL team has hands-on experience with project management.

CBEL Project: North Shore ConneXions Stairs Rennovation

This CBEL team created a stairway renovation plan for North Shore ConneXions, an organization dedicated to improving the social and educational services for people with special needs.

CBEL Project: Modo CoOperative

Students create innovative infographic for MODO - the Car Sharing Cooperative.

Key Activity: Community Service Learning

CSL projects allows students to dig into the nitty gritty of project management, and provide examples of how project context, and professional responsibilities like public service, are relevant to civil engineering practice.

CBEL Project: Tetra Society Emergency Prep

The Tetra Society and CBEL students devise emergency packs for use by people living with disabilities.
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CBEL in CIVL 202

Professional Development for CIVL 202 students can be a CBEL project completed in partnership with a community organization.

CBEL in CIVL 202 is about:

1. Students developing their project management and teamwork skills by completing a CBEL project assignment.
2. Community organizations completing a small asset-building project in partnership with civil engineering students.
3. Students connecting their CBEL to other CIVL 202 learning via structured reflections and feedback from graduate student mentors.

This website is a CIVL 202-CBEL resource for community organizations, students, and team mentors.
For more info go to:

CIVL 202:  Civil Engineering II

Small Group Discussions - Plenary Sessions - Professional Development

How does civil engineering impact climate change?  Where do the boundaries of professional ethics lay?  How might the transportation crunch in cities be addressed?  How does local infrastructure impact aboriginal communities?  Students in CIVL 202 participate in, and lead, weekly small group discussions about these and other contemporary technology-society questions.  This primary discussion activity is supported by weekly plenary sessions offered by experts (lectures, panel discussions, films, etc) and by professional development activities that include Community-Based Experiential Learning projects.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Department of Civil Engineering
2650 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, v6t 1z4, Canada
Tel: 604 822 2637

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